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Tributes sent to us after Tim passed away

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"He was obviously a very courageous young man for during our regular conversations at Sainsbury's he never complained about his illness and remained totally upbeat"
- Trevor, Irene, Nathan and Alex

"All of us who were touched by Tim's spirit, determination and laughter are better people. Tim was, still is and always will be a great credit to you and your family. His friends meant the world to him and he did to us. He will never be forgotten and always remembered with a huge smile. Tim was a truly wonderful and amazing person and will be missed dearly"
- Becky, Gareth and Emma

"Tim was so very special in lots of ways, always thinking of others and not his self, and always laughing at life and living to the full"
- June

"Our memories of Tim are of when he was a baby, a beautiful little blonde baby and then a toddler, full of happiness and fun, a lovely little boy, sweet natured and a joy to have around"
- Freda and Barry

"Tim was a very special person who will be sadly missed by me, and all his friends. I am really proud to say Tim was a good and caring friend who never ceased to make me laugh. We shared many a precious time putting the world to rights...I will really miss not hearing him shout "Advertising Jo" across the store"
- Jo

"We'll all miss him dearly...he was always so positive and brought a smile to everyone's face when they felt down"
- Sharon and family

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