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had a great sense of humour and a sense of fun...he enjoyed holidays
in Kent at Stelling Minnis...also abroad - he'd been to Florida
a couple of times and Mexico, but the truth of the matter is that
Tim was always a home bird - a good son and a credit to his family.
Tim also loved his cat Tinklybell - now she was special to him and
she is missing his very presence even though she is with other cats
around his parent's home.
must mention that the family want me to thank the very many people
who have sent messages of condolence and dozens and dozens of cards
to them since Tim's death, and it has helped in its own way to know
that Tim was so much appreciated by others outside of the family
of the nature of his illness, which first manifested itself some
four and a half years ago, and the astonishing practical and positive
way Tim chose to deal with it, which I'm sure every one of you is
well aware of, I feel privileged as an outsider to have such an
insight into such a brave, humorous, lovely personality which you
have all found in Tim Jacobs.
foresight, the efficiency, the toughness, the determination which
Tim showed in his fight against the melanoma, against what proved
to be impossible odds, has been a feature of his adult life. Tim
continued to live at his own house for the first two and a half
years, undergoing the various treatments on offer to him...interferon,
several operations for lymph node removal, chemotherapy, radiotherapy,
all the invasive techniques known to doctors who specialise in cancer
treatments - all of which takes their toll on the human body.
very much appreciated the work of the hospitals he was attending.
The Hallamshire, Northern General and Weston Park Hospital. The
family wish me to give public acknowledgement (it's not often you
get to thank the Nation Health Service, but I'm asked to give public
acknowledgement) and thanks for all their care and love and attention
to Tim while he was with them. Might I also say that any donations
received in lieu of flowers will be shared with the hospitals for
cancer research and patient care in Tim's name and memory.