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Humanist Minister's Eulogy from Tim's funeral - 28th May 2004

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I have a poem here to read by the Christian writer C. Day Lewis - some of you may be familiar with it - and is quite appropriate for a ceremony such as this:

His laughter was better than the birds in the morning
His smile turned the edge of the wind
His memory disarms death and charms the surly grave
Early he went to bed
Too early we saw his light put out
Yet we could not grieve more than a little while
For he lives in the earth around us, and laughs from the sky

In love and respect we remember the life of Timothy Simon Jacobs - our friend Tim - and in gratitude we will frequently recall and remember the human image he has left to us, the person he has been. We are taking leave here of a man who has been both loved and loveable.

Here in this last ceremony, immune now to the changes and chances of our mortal lot, Tim's body we commit to its natural end. Its transformation into the ultimate elements of the Universe through the process of fire - itself one of Nature's great forces.

As for Tim, we are glad he had a rich and rewarding life, but we are saddened at its brevity and the lack of opportunity for some of us to take a personal farewell of him.

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